Hello all,
I was wondering if anyone used the Vivado MIG generator at all, with its very strict rules. Because I’d think the Au routing for DD3 would break those rules, correct? Since it’s using a single bank (15) for all DD3 lines.
There is a pre-configured MIG wrapper in Alchitry Labs.
If you need it in a Vivado project, you can use Labs to generate the verilog and copy it to your Vivado project
Good idea, thanks. I’ll take a look at the differences. I’m just confused by the MIG rules being incompatible with the Au layout, or so it seems.
We use the MIG generator and the pinout follows the rules. There’s nothing that says you can’t use a single bank. I tried adding an additional address line and doubling the RAM on the Pt but there was no way to not violate the rules with the extra address line and use a single bank even though there are free pins.
EDIT: You can also find the MIG project files here. They can be used to generate the core without having to enter all the timing details.
I think the GUI makes you put in a pinout file which is dumb since the pinout is in the project file. I usually just steal one from a core generated via Alchitry Labs if needed.