Lucid V2 test bench help

I’m following the guide from Lucid Reference but I can’t write test benches in lucid v2 without it crashing. I need a way to test my alu component but when I run the test test_alu32 I get the error “Can’t represent a width of 1594 and height of 624100 in Constraints”. The prints do work though but alchitry labs crashes afterwards.

testbench alu_test_bench {
    sig clk
    sig alu32_a
    sig alu32_b
    sig alu32_alufn[6]
    alu alu32(#SIZE(32), .a(alu32_a), .b(alu32_b), .alufn(alu32_alufn))

    fun tick_clock() {
        clk = 1
        $silent_tick() // tick without capturing signals
        clk = 0

    test test_alu32 {
        // initialize the clock
        alu32_a = 0
        alu32_b = 0
        alu32_alufn = 6b000000
        clk = 0

Can you post the full source so I can test it?

The error sounds like a GUI issue and probably has to do with the waveform viewer. I thought I fixed this before.

Gladly! GitHub - XlightNtrEnx/alu

The test is at alu_test_bench.luc

I was able to reproduce it. It was caused by there being a ton of signals and the UI not being able to handle displaying them all at once.

The waveform viewer really needs to be reworked but for now I “fixed” it by making everything start collapsed instead of expanded.