IDE Hangs for large builds

I have a top-level lucid file that has a repeat in the middle for parallel processing. If I set N=1, all is good. If I set larger numbers (even as a typo), the IDE hangs. I’m pretty sure that whatever background process checks the syntax kicks off a large job unrolling the repeat and checking syntax. This is a full stop situation though - It’s often not even possible to edit the file to set the number lower.

I understand that if I build a job that’s large, the compile process may take a long time or may even fail. This is different though. I’m talking about the IDE coming to a full stop and my CPU getting pegged even on a typo.

Is there some way that we can turn off the syntax checking in the short term? In the longer term, it seems like that background process needs to be tweaked so that it’s less prioritized and interrupts itself if the file changes while it’s doing its computation.

I’ve been experimenting with this throughout the day, and I have a few more observations:

  • Once the complexity gets larger, the IDE shows this pegged-out CPU behavior in other cases too. It doesn’t appear in any clearly consistent pattern, but it seems to fire up more often when there’s a syntax error, and perhaps worse still if you try to correct the syntax error while it’s pegged. Importantly, the “syntax error” can occur simply from being partway through typing a line that has no “error” other than not yet being fully typed.
  • Force quitting the IDE and reopening it sometimes helps but not always.
  • In several cases, I just let it run, leaving it for an hour or so while I do something else. The usual outcome of this is that it runs out of heap space. Dialog pops up with that message, and when I click “OK” the program exits.
  • In some cases, I’ve been able to fully build after restarting the IDE even with no changes. So one time it will die from lack of heap space and another, with no changes to code, will not only load into the IDE but build all the way to completion.

At this point, I’m sometimes opening in Notepad and editing there, but that’s not a good solution in multiple respects, especially since it’s not clear how to run the tool chain to build outside of Labs.

I’ll take a look at this tomorrow.

Do you have a project you could share that shows the problem?

I think this should be fixed in 2.0.25.

Feel free to open a GitHub issue for problems like this.