Alchitry Labs freezes

This has been bugging me for a while. Whenever I leave Labs running for a while without touching it, at one point it just freezes and does not allow me to do anything but close it and open it again. If I modify my FPGA code periodically, it is fine, but if I leave it for a while it freezes. I am in Regular Ubuntu using Labs 2.0.25.

Edit: I am now in CachyOS and the problem still persists

This sounds like it’ll be really hard to track down the issue.

Can you give any more info?
About how long until it locks up?
Any stept to reproduce?

The only info I can give currently is that if my computer automatically locks with Labs open, when I come back to unlock it, labs takes up the top left quarter of the screen, and the rest of the screen is white. I can not close it or edit it until I click and drag the top of Labs like I am making the window smaller, at which point it maximizes and I can close it, but I still cant edit until I reopen it. I am currently running tests to answer the rest of your questions.

Does it happen if you manually lock the screen?

No. Ive tried logging out, locking, and sleep manually, but none of those do it. I think that maybe it has to freeze first, then lock, and then it will do it.

I am running time tests right now, so I will not be able to respond for a bit.


I have confirmed that letting the computer automatically lock or turn off the screen freezes labs. I have not yet been able to reproduce labs freezing without the computer locking the screen.

This is probably why I haven’t seen it happen as I disabled timeouts on my desktop. I’ll give it a go today and see if I can reproduce it. I’m guessing it’s a bug in Compose.

I have not been able to recreate the freezing without locking. Maybe I would just open my computer after it locks, forget that it locked, then wonder why Labs is frozen after finally going back to my project. I will repost here if I can recreate the issue after all.

Actually, it freezes after you lock manually and wait a while, except that alchitry labs takes up the top quarter and instead of everything else white, it is the grey color that makes labs.