Unable to upload sketch to Mojo v3

I have been unsuccessful in uploading any Arduino sketches to my MojoV3. I can see my Mojo device under device manager as Mojo V3 (COM5). I setup up Tools → Board “Mojo v3”, Port COM5. Compilation succeeds. When uploading the port gets reset, the board is still powered, I can see the COM5 port going away and not coming back in DeviceManager. Clicking the boards reset does reset the board (8LEDS go to off) but the COM5 port does not show, unplugging and plugging the board shows COM5 again. I tried clicking the reset button as per the error message below. I am using Arduino IDE 1.6.5 with the Mojo plugins. Help, guidance will be most appreciated.

From the Arduino IDE is see:

Sketch uses 8,470 bytes (29%) of program storage space. Maximum is 28,672 bytes.
Global variables use 1,349 bytes of dynamic memory.
Forcing reset using 1200bps open/close on port COM5
PORTS {COM3, COM4, COM5, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
PORTS {COM3, COM4, } / {COM3, COM4, } => {}
processing.app.debug.RunnerException: Couldn’t find a Board on the selected port. Check that you have the correct port selected. If it is correct, try pressing the board’s reset button after initiating the upload.
at cc.arduino.packages.uploaders.SerialUploader.waitForUploadPort(SerialUploader.java:246)
at cc.arduino.packages.uploaders.SerialUploader.uploadUsingPreferences(SerialUploader.java:129)
at processing.app.debug.Compiler.upload(Compiler.java:166)
at processing.app.Sketch.upload(Sketch.java:1167)
at processing.app.Sketch.exportApplet(Sketch.java:1141)
at processing.app.Sketch.exportApplet(Sketch.java:1113)
at processing.app.Editor$DefaultExportHandler.run(Editor.java:2380)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Couldn’t find a Board on the selected port. Check that you have the correct port selected. If it is correct, try pressing the board’s reset button after initiating the upload.

I am hitting this issue when following the Memory Mapping tutorial from the Mojo verilog section. Link: https://alchitry.com/blogs/tutorials/memory-mapping When trying to upload the sketch portion to the Mojo.

Is anyone experiencing these issues? I have two machines (Windows and Linux) where the disconnect issue is happening. The Arduino IDE starts deployment, the Mojo board seems to enter into a state where the COM port is no longer present and pushing the sketch fails.

This can happen on Linux if you don’t have the proper udev rules setup as a service (I forget its name) will take over the board thinking it is a modem for a few minutes after it resets which prevents it from showing up properly. The udev rules file is included in the Mojo Loader download.

On Windows this usually happens if the driver isn’t loading for the bootloader. You can check this by manually resetting the board (temporarily jump the GND and RST pins on the back with a small piece of wire) and seeing if it shows up as an unknown device or as a COM port.

Thank you for your response. Looks like a driver issue as you point out. This is the state of the device before reset (shorting GND and RST)

After reset the device is unable to find a matching driver

I am using the INF file under mojo-loader-1.3.0-windows\mojo-loader-1.3.0\driver the error is claiming that a section of the INF is invalid. Is 1.3.0 the best version to use?

It looks like Windows is trying to install some other driver. The drivers should’ve been installed when you installed the loader but you can try manually installing them again using the “Windows Files” download here https://alchitry.com/pages/mojo-loader

Extract the files and run “dpinst-amd64.exe” or “dpinst-x86.exe” for 64 or 32 bit computers respectively.