I’m running Alchitry in a Windows 7 VM (Parallels) on a Mac.
This has always worked fine in the past, but after I upgraded to version 1.1.1, my project will
compile, but when I try to download it from the IDE, I get the following error:
org.usb4java.LibUsbException: USB error 5: LibUsb.open() failed: Entity not found
at com.alchitry.labs.hardware.usb.UsbDevice.usbFindAll(UsbDevice.java:218)
at com.alchitry.labs.hardware.usb.UsbUtil.getDevice(UsbUtil.java:46)
at com.alchitry.labs.hardware.usb.UsbUtil.openFtdiDevice(UsbUtil.java:91)
at com.alchitry.labs.hardware.loaders.AuLoader.eraseFlash(AuLoader.java:21)
at com.alchitry.labs.hardware.loaders.ProjectLoader.erase(ProjectLoader.java:54)
at com.alchitry.labs.project.Project$9.run(Project.java:1557)
On the other hand, if I run the Alchitry loader, it works fine for both programming and flashing the EEPROM.
I’d appreciate any advice.
Never mind! I skipped 1.1.0, so I didn’t get the splash about installing WinUSB. It works now.