Issue building project on Cu board

I’m trying to work through the Learning FPGAs book with my Cu using Labs 2.0.8, and this code fails to build:

module alchitryTop (
    input clk,              // 100MHz clock
    input rst_n,            // reset button (active low)
    output led[8],          // 8 user controllable LEDs
    input usbRx,            // USB->Serial input
    output usbTx,           // USB->Serial output
    output ioLed[3][8],     // LEDs on IO Shield
    output ioSeg[8],        // 7-segment LEDs on IO Shield
    output ioSel[4],        // Digit select on IO Shield
    input ioButton[5],      // 5 buttons on IO Shield
    input ioDip[3][8]       // DIP switches on IO Shield
) {
    sig rst                 // reset signal
    .clk(clk) {
        // The reset conditioner is used to synchronize the reset signal to the FPGA
        // clock. This ensures the entire FPGA comes out of reset at the same time.
        resetConditioner resetCond
    decoder dec(#WIDTH(3))
    encoder enc(#WIDTH(8))
    arbiter arb(#WIDTH(8))
    always { = ~rst_n  // input raw inverted reset signal
        rst = resetCond.out    // conditioned reset
        led = 8h00             // turn LEDs off
        usbTx = usbRx          // loop serial port
        ioLed = 3x{{8h00}}
        ioSeg = 8hFF            //turn segments off
        ioSel = 4hF             //select no digits
        = ioDip[0][2:0] = ioDip[1] = ioDip[2]
        ioLed[0] = dec.out
        ioLed[1] = enc.out
        ioLed[2] = arb.out    

IDE doesn’t tell me that anything is wrong with it. Here is the error I get:

Failed to convert source files to Verilog. This should be considered a bug!
Error at line 45 offset 15: Failed to resolve signal for "i"
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error at line 45 offset 15: Failed to resolve signal for "i"

Along with a bunch of kotlin errors. Is there a simple fix in my code I’m not seeing? Or is there a bug in Alchitry labs?

Thanks for trying out Alchitry Labs 2 and taking the time to post your issue!

As the error says, this is a bug and not your fault. It looks like it’s a bug in the repeat loop processing used in the arbiter or encoder module (they both have an “i” signal). I’ll take a look and get it patched by Monday.

I just fixed this and am building version 2.0.9. It should be live within the hour.

Thanks so much. For future reference do you have a place where bug reports can be submitted? I don’t mean to spam the forum in case I run into others.

Yeah, the issues tab on the GitHub repo is ideal.