How to implement a simple Serializer with Au ?

[font=intel-clear][color=#555555][size=small]I have a 16 bits of [/size][size=small]p[/size][size=small]arallel data that I would like to [/size][size=small]serialize[/size][size=small] [/size][size=small]and send out of the Alchitry Au as a continuous high speed data stream to create a pulsed digital waveform[/size][size=small]. [/size]
[color=#555555][size=small][font=intel-clear]I have seen there is a Serializer 1-8 to 1 bit called Serdes[/font][/size][/color][color=#555555][size=small][font=intel-clear] N to 1 in the Alchitry Labs 1.1.6 Video Components, however[/font][/size][/color][color=#555555][size=small][font=intel-clear] [/font][/size][/color][color=#555555][size=small][font=intel-clear]is [/font][/size][/color][color=#555555][size=small][font=intel-clear]there a design example for SERDES in Verilog [/font][/size][/color]
[color=#555555][size=small][font=intel-clear]or Lucid [/font][/size][/color][color=#555555][size=small][font=intel-clear]specifically for the Alchitry Au? [/font][/size][/color]

[size=small][font=intel-clear][color=#555555][size=small][size=small][font=intel-clear][color=#555555]Is there a free IP Core in or software library in Vivado that can be used? Is it called OSERDES2 ?[/color][/font][/size][/size][/color][/font][/size]

[size=small][font=intel-clear][color=#555555][size=small][font=intel-clear][color=#555555][size=small][color=#555555][font=intel-clear]I’ve started reading the 7 Series FPGAs SelectIO Resources User Guide UG741 v1.10 May 2018, and the LogiCore IP SelectIO Interface Wizard v5.1,[/font][/color][/size][/color][/font][/size][/color][/font][/size]
[size=small][font=intel-clear][color=#555555][size=small][font=intel-clear][color=#555555][size=small][color=#555555][font=intel-clear]however there is so much information, that it’s not obvious [/font][/color][/size][/color][/font][font=intel-clear][color=#555555][size=small][color=#555555][font=intel-clear]where to get started, [/font][/color][/size][/color][/font][font=intel-clear][color=#555555][size=small][color=#555555][font=intel-clear]so I’m asking if there’s [/font][/color][/size][/color][/font][size=small][color=#555555][font=intel-clear]anybody on this forum that has any experience that can help me with getting started[/font][/color][/size][size=small][color=#555555][font=intel-clear]? [/font][/color][/size]

You probably don’t need to use the SERDES primitives and it would be easier to just write out the behavior you want.

This all hinges on the speed you are talking about. How fast do you need to spit out bits?

I want to serialize many bits in and send them out as fast as possible in a modulated pulsed stream out to a LASER in an experiment.

I don’t have any specific example for using SERDES with the Au but in the Vivado catalog there is a generator called SelectIO Interface Wizard that will generate the nitty gritty for you.